Digital Marketing Skills Training 2016

Digital Marketing Skills Training 2016 with Sir Richard Celeste, Piper Ramboanga, the CEO of RIS Philippines and others. A thank you to them is not enough to express the feeling of being grateful of what they had have shared to us. Sir Piper indeed is a very smart person. He/she graduated as a Nurse but ended up working as a virtual assistant. Think of how would he/she made it. Sir Pau, the CEO of RIS Philippines that came from no other than the City of Kapatagan. Another amazing person is Junriel Bonachita who is knowledgeable of making a website. We also have Mrs. Xerxes Queen Apostol Libre, the Proprietor of Dexter Printhouse at Iligan City who is knowledgeable about the adobe Photoshop and lastly Mr. Francis Steve Martinez, the owner of Tibo Martinez Videography.

To sum it up I am very thankful to have Sir Richard as my instructor because through him I am able to know these things. I was able to know how to create a website and it very much of a help for my future. Second I was able to know about the things beyond the Facebook. I was able to know how to make an advertisement through Facebook, how am I going to make a page and other things.  Third is that RIS Philippines. Though he didn’t introduce any actual action of skills he really do amazing lot of activities. He is from Kapatagan Lanao Del Norte. I don’t know how to explain who he is but what I can tell is that he is very talented indeed smart person that can possibly make changes in Kapatagan Lanao Del Norte.  Fourth is from Mrs. Libre. All are possible in Photoshop’s but it’s not easy to use the Adobe Photoshop if you’re not familiar with those elements and tools on the software. Truly if your expert with this software there’s no chance that you can’t make money out form it. And for the last but not the least a very talented man as well Sir Francis Steve Martinez who is a videographer. Yes it’s not new to me on how to make a video presentation but it is also amazing when he presented on how to edit a video when you use the green background that would make unseen to your video. Isn’t it amazing that a one day seminar and workshop would be done in such a wonderful day. New information overload and I can’t wait to see myself applying those things in real. 


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