Aga Khan Museum -Mindanao State University Marawi City

I am very proud to say that I am an MSU’an. Aga Khan is just located on where I am currently studying. Aga Khan Museum is one of the prides of Mindanao State University. June 13, 1962 the museum was officially opened and was founded by Dr. Mamitua D. Saber and he was one of the pioneering of the Mindanao State University. The museum was later renamed in honour of Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini.  

Old but beautiful artefacts of the Meranao are being stored in the museum. Swords, plates, cups, and other things regularly used by their ancestors are there. The materials they used for fishing, for farming is there. The construction of their houses and materials use during celebrations such as weddings and the like are being preserved as well. 

On the other hand a monkey eating eagle is also conserved. Paintings made by the MSU OKIR-an organization of artistic Mindanao State University students.
Furthermore Mindanao State University is preserve as well from where the Msu started the Msu Campuses start-ups and the like.
When I lastly see the painting of the war before it made me realize how they fought for freedom and how did they made it through those peaceful times. 


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